Learn how to use our Zapier integration.
Reminder: Integrations only work with Flow Builder based bots.
It's worth keeping in mind that the bot will only send data to any external app, including Zapier, in these 3 circumstances:
At the point in a flow where an email address is collected, OR...
At the point in a flow where the "Save Data" block is placed
Whenever the timer for the AI block is hit, if you have an AI block
Important to note: if you’re using solo “AI Mode”, integrations do not work in that mode. You need to build your bot in the flow builder for integrations to work. You can still use AI in the flow builder.
For simple bots where you're collecting basic data, simply making sure you collect an email address after collecting other basic data (e.g. name, phone, anything else you want) is all you need to do.
For more complex flows or where you want to collect data after their email address, you need to insert the "Save Data" block after you're done collecting the required information. Once the flow reaches the "Save Data" point, it will push the data to Zapier (or any other app you're connected with).